Real Opportunities, Inc. focuses on leadership. In our society we take leadership for granted, believing that we understand leadership. What we must understand is that each of us individually is responsible for leadership. That means we must have knowledge of what it takes to be a leader and be able to lead when the circumstances arise in our lives.
Sponsors 2012 Ujima Leadership Camp: Real Opportunities Inc., United Parents Against Lead, Elders and Youth Empowerment Rites of Passage, Masjid Umm Barakah
The Principles of Kwanzaa: Building Strong Character in Our Daughters
Our Daughters Rites of Passage-
Completion of Objectives for our daughters. Your daughter can still join us. February 21-22 and weekend April 19-21. Date for induction ceremony and community welcoming for the daughters to be announced.
Purpose: A program to bring our daughter’s together to know each other across their different religions, ethnic groups, and socio-economic backgrounds; to learn to support each other using the uniting principles of Kwanzaa (ngazu saba) while building individual character and increasing knowledge of the lost African heritages.
2009 Youth Leadership Camp Social and Economic Justice with Virginia Organizing
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